How to raise a child who cares

Lots of parents are alarmed when they see selfish traits in their kids. But when they express these concerns to us, we remind them that the main part of the brain responsible for empathy is particularly undeveloped in young children. Empathy and caring are skills to be learned. In general, we want to caution parents about globalizing any egocentrism they might be perceiving in their kids at the moment. In truth, it’s developmentally typical for children to consider themselves first; it gives them a better chance of surviving.

Tina Payne Bryson and Daniel Siegel

The service recovery paradox

The good news about dealing with difficult customers is that, if you do a good job, you can more than make up for the issue that started it all. The service recovery paradox states that, in every customer service failure, there’s an opportunity to transform rude customers into loyal patrons. So, you can actually benefit from higher customer satisfaction levels than you would have if nothing went wrong.

TIL. I found this through an insightful article by Elizabeth Wellington on the Help Scout blog that provides tips on how to deal with difficult customers in real world situations.

Friction in UX

Friction in design can be annoying – like those interstitials while trying to read a blog post, or being unnecessarily cross-selled while checking out your online cart.

But there can be times when you wished you were warned before you performed an irreversible action, or you regret not having gone through that friction for better security in exchange for ease of access.

At the end of the day, it’s a matter of removing unwanted friction while embracing good friction.

Someone did the math


What if every cat in the world surrounded you and meowed at the same time? How loud would it be?


[…] it would be about 97dB. That’s something like the sound of a loud motorcycle passing right by you. Not deafening, but uncomfortably loud.

Interestingly you don’t even need all the cats in the world. After about 10,000 cats, they start getting too far away to matter.

Not convinced? Check out the math involved here:

How to study based on how memory works

Remember GOAT ME:

  • G is generate and test. Quiz yourself and teach others.
  • O is organize. Organize with outlines, pictures, color coding, related material, etc.
  • A is avoid illusions of learning. Avoid study methods that rely on recognition. If you can’t remember it at any given time, you don’t know it. Learn, not memorize or familiarize.
  • T is take breaks. Make sure you take breaks and get enough sleep. You can’t remember large chunks on information in one sitting. Stand up and come back to it at a later time.
  • M is match learning and testing conditions. Learn in similar conditions as when you will take the test. One tip is to chew gum when studying a certain subject, and then chew the same flavor of gum later during the test. It will help you remember.
  • E is elaborate. Think deeply about the material and make other associations with it.


Quick, Draw!

Can a neural network learn to recognize doodling? Help teach it by adding your drawings to the world’s largest doodling data set, shared publicly to help with machine learning research.

This is really fun and amazing especially when the AI recognizes your drawing in just a few seconds simply based on what it has previously learned from drawings of the same subject by other people.

It’s really interesting too seeing how we differ from each other in imagining and drawing stuff.

Go try it out yourself: